Robin-Ramon "YedidiYh" Crespo
Robin Ramon CrespoYedidiYh”

I have traveled the world searching for the Truth and found “The Torah” along the way. During my search, I wrote by hand Matthew, Mark, Luke, John, Acts, Psalms, Joshua, Judges, 1 Samual, 2 Samual, 1 Kings, 2 Kings, Isaiah, Jeremiah, and currently writing Ezekiel. Additionally, I have taught the Torah for two years according to The MOEDIM (Appointed Times).

YEDIDIYH: Friend of Yah (God)


Robin-Ramon “YedidiYh” Crespo has served as a Creative Director for multiple brands and is best known for creating a “Purple” fabric that stops malaria transmission. He graduated Summa Cum Laude (4.0) from Pillar College, the only accredited Evangelical Christian College in New Jersey, with a bachelor’s in Organizational Leadership. He attended the Fashion Institute of Technology (FIT) briefly and then went on to have one of the largest fashion shows in 2012 onboard the USS Intrepid during Fashion Week in New York City. During his time in fashion, Mr. Crespo worked with some of the top designers in the world, managed successful clinical trials in multiple settings (villages/laboratories), and spoke at the United Nations for World Malaria Day. During his “Saving Lives” campaign and his travels throughout Africa, Brazil, and Europe, he constantly questioned the meaning of life and looked for the Truth in it all. Everything started to change when he kept his fist Sabbath on April 1, 2016. Since then, through constant study and continuous submission to the Torah, it was through this process; that he began to understand who his God (YHVH) is and who he is according to the Torah. 

FUN FACT: “My middle name is YedidiYh, and it is listed on my birth certificate.”

A word from YedidiYh: “In Deuteronomy 4, it clearly lays out who an Israelite is, and through the Torah, I began to understand who I was; YHVH (God) said He would scatter the Israelites throughout all the nations of the world. Over time the Israelites would mix with all people through marriages and would not be relegated to one race, color, or creed; they would essentially represent a melting pot of people. Our true identity is not in these things but in YHVH, our God, and His Torah.

YHVH (God) said we would also worship the gods assigned to these nations that we were scattered to for generations. The worship of these false gods would further cause us to have no memory of the Torah or connection to our ancestors. We would essentially take on the cultures, identities, gods, and agendas of the places we were scattered. As Israelites, we are uniquely connected directly to the punishment of our ancestors for not following our God (YHVH) and His Ways (TORAH). Our identity and connection to our ancestors, the Israelites, would be completely severed because of disobedience. However, the righteous seed in an Israelite would constantly stir, causing them to wonder, question, and search for the Truth (TORAH). When Israelites find the Truth (TORAH), they are reborn into their national identity as Israelites understanding who they are and who the One True God (YHVH) is. The Torah says that if we seek Him (YHVH) wholeheartedly (by keeping/obeying the Torah) from the places where our ancestors were scattered, from the Nations of the world, only then will we emerge from complete darkness and awake from these places of bondage”(Deuteronomy 4).

I invite you to come to learn about The One-True-God and His perspective on what is right and what leads to life. We meet weekly online over Zoom every Saturday at (12) noon.


NOTE: We record our teachings LIVE.

For those who join us to listen in, we ask that everyone’s cameras remain off and microphones muted during the recording session. An open chat room is available to answer all questions during the teaching as they come up. In the end, we have an open platform discussion for comments and questions.

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