CONTRARY to what is preached by most churches throughout the world; WE ARE NOT BORN SINFUL! (Deut / D’varim 1:39)
The Truth is: we are just out of Covenant.
Now, what causes sin? First, let us define sin. Sin is defined as rebellion. Rebellion is defined as anyone or thing that lives contrary to God’s Commandments (Mitzvot), His Laws (Torah), His Decrees (Dath), His Holy Times (Moedim), His Covenant and His Truth. When a person becomes separated from God’s Truth, he is living in rebellion/sin. For an Israelite, we must be in Covenant with YHVH (GOD), anything outside of this construct for an Israelite is RA (evil, sin).
With time, a person / Israelite is taught (submitted to the instruction of the Torah) the difference between TOWB (Good, according to God) and RA (EVIL, according to God). Keep in mind that there is a caveat. You could be an uninstructed person who lacks the knowledge (Daath) of God but is raised on the concepts of right and wrong from a societal viewpoint; in God’s perspective, this is still RA (evil).
Sin is anything set up in the heart and here are some examples:
“Wife, Husband, Money, Career, Car, Church, Children, Parents, Education, Social Structure, Health, Time, Your Desires, even your lack of Knowlege of God or your Perceived Knowlege of God, Understanding of the World, and Science.”
Any of these things set up in one’s heart becomes an IDOL and replaces God. In other words, God must be the first thing that germinates from a person’s everything.
God’s desire for your life is that you should live. He wants you to turn (make Teshuvah) from anything that leads you away from him and keeps you out of Covenant with Him. In Ezekiel 14, God defines IDOLs as something that a person takes into their heart. When a person takes an IDOL into their heart, it causes them to separate themselves from God by setting in front of themselves a stumbling block. A stumbling block is “AN IDOL” something that keeps a person from keeping the Commandments of God, ultimately leading to sin (the transgressing of God’s laws).
Lastly, We invite you to come to learn about the ONE TRUE GOD and His Perspective on what is Right and what leads to life. CLICK TO LOG ONTO: ZARABEN ONLINE TEACHING EVERY SATURDAY @NOON.
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