SHAV: שוא (Emptiness-Vanity)

SHAV: Without Truth / Emptiness

SHAV: vanity/vain(pride), emptiness, deceit, false, deception, , false visions, falsehood, lies (WITHOUT TRUTH), worthless, futility/futile( pointlessness/uselessness), without Torah.

When a man separates himself from God and sees himself alone, as a stand-alone individual, this is Shav. When a man sees his own achievements as self-propagated without conceding to the conception that links all connections to God, he is living in pride or a form of vanity; this is Shav. He is in darkness and has no light. He has eyes but cannot see; he has ears but cannot hear. The result of his egocentric (Selfish) position/perspective is that he does not understand. He lacks Truth which is the underpin to understanding the Covenant, which is living according to God’s perspective and way of Life; anything contrary is Shav.

The Hebrew word Shav is a Master KEY. It is a foundational premise within the structure of the 10 Words (10 Commandments), which make up the constitution or outline of the Covenant. Without this term, you cannot fully understand the Covenant. The Covenant of God is something that cannot be explained outright. To understand the Covenant, it must be modeled to you first, and then you live it. This pathway is the only way to understand the Covenant, and anything short of this is Shav.

The understanding of Shav is necessary for someone to grasp the Covenant. When considering the Vow within the Covenant, commitment and seriousness take some time; the Covenant is built on a series of living concepts based around doing (Numbers 30:3(2)). Without action, the required doing component, one remains an observer, and observers can never understand the perspective of doers. God’s prayer for you is that you would become a person who is a doer, one who sets their heart towards Fearing Him/God (Deut 6:2). This prayer points to God’s desire that you grasp things from His perspective so you can genuinely understand Him. He knows that a person who comes to Him Without Fear, He (God) knows that person cannot understand. In the end, the person is still seeking God on His terms, and that person is still operating in Shav (Emptiness/ Without Truth)(Proverbs 1:7).


Lastly, We invite you to come to learn about the ONE TRUE GOD and His Perspective on what is Right and what leads to life. 


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